
Photo: ZLH
- Head ZLH (representative for the Ministry of School and Vocational Education)

Photo: UHH/von Wieding
- Head ZLH (representative for Universität Hamburg)

Photo: ZLH
- Managing Director ZLH
- Coordinator Teaching Laboratory Teacher Professionalization (L3Prof)
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Project "Diversity Contexts in Teacher Education"
- Head ZPLA
- Recognition of practical experience for Teacher Training in Vocational Education
Front Office
- Office management
- Filing and archiving
- No processing of student requests
and key apects of activity:
and key apects of activity:
and key apects of activity:
Please book an appointment via ZPLA-website:über-uns/terminbuchung.html
Or contact me by phone or via email.
- Coordinator Time-Slot Model
- Coordinator Teacher Training Degree Programs
- Quality management
- Public relations (website, fairs)
- Admission and selection by-laws, subject-specific provisions
and key apects of activity:
for school internships: by appointment only
- Assistant to the Managing Director
- Administration Advanced Internship (Kernpraktikum) and Extend Certificate of Good Conduct
- Support to Internship portal

Photo: Studioline/Khalil Rastad
by appointment only
- Supplementary Studies
- Subject-specific committees
and key apects of activity:
by appointment only
- Coordinator Advanced Internship (Kernpraktikum)
and key apects of activity:

Photo: UHH/Weber
and key apects of activity:
- Coordinator Teacher Training Degree Programs
- Coordinator Elective Component in the bachelor’s degree programs
- Deputy Head ZPLA
- STiNE modelling
- Examination regulations and subject-specific provisions

Photo: ZLH
Individual advising by appointment via e-mail only
- Coordinator Introductory Internship (Integriertes Schulpraktikum) (LAPS, LAS, and LAGym)
- Coordinator Introductory Internship (Orientierungspraktikum) (LAGS, LASek, LAS-G, and LAS-Sek)
Former Management/Staff

Photo: Eva Arnold